brain break.
pause + rest your mind
sessions 1 - 8
brain break no. 1
Our first brain break! An orienting exercise to cool down the brain and nervous system.
(5 min 34 sec)
brain break no. 2
Last week we used our eyes to help us slow down and take a break. This week use our ears.
(4 min 52 sec)
brain break no. 3
Eye exercises to help refocus attention and perhaps relax and self sooth.
(5 min 4 sec)
brain break no. 4
Take a break from your regular pattern of thinking with this simple technique. And turn down stress reaction, while turning up your relaxation response.
(5 min)
brain break no. 5
Does the steadiness of your gaze effect the steadiness of your mind? Test it out…
(4 min 19 sec)
brain break no. 6
Sometimes a few minutes of shifting your attention to a steady resting place is all that’s need to give the brain a break. In this session we explore using your hand as a way to do this.
(2 min 52 sec)
brain break no. 7
Mental hygiene. Stopping for a few minutes, noticing that your thinking, and practicing let the thoughts come and go without getting too involved in them.
(3 min 45 sec)
brain break no. 8
Counting the breath as a way to give yourself a break from the ongoing inner chatter.
(3 min 40 sec)