body break.
pause + move your body
sessions 1 - 8
body break no. 1
Our first body break! Simple movement and stretching for relaxation and ease.
(5 min 14 sec)
body break no. 2
Exploring the spine. Moving it in all four directions - forward, backward, twisting and side to side.
(5 min 50 sec)
body break no. 3
Shake it out! Shake off tension. Shake off stress. Shake off a difficult conversation.
(2 min 15 sec)
body break no. 4
It takes strength and courage to be peaceful, in our internal experience as well as in the external world. Coming into the Peaceful Warrior position as a way to help build this kind of confidence.
(6 min 22 sec)
body break no. 5
Take a few minutes and get things moving. Easy stretches to regenerate at anytime.
(2 min 6 sec)
body break no. 6
Shoulders! We all have them. A few minutes of caring for them.
(2 min 51 sec)
body break no 7.
Taking care of our joints.
(3 min 54 sec)
body break no 8.
It’s common to carry tension in the shoulders. So once again giving them some care.
(4 min 42 sec)